5 Things on Men that are sure shot ‘Conversation starters’
In the ‘Tinder’ times!… as they call it, don’t get swiped to the left 😉
Lets give you 5 Things on Men that are sure shot ‘Conversation starters’…because there is nothing more erotic than a good conversation!
The starting point of all relationships is a conversation. Numerous blogs give you sane and weird advice to stay in the game…but no one ever told you what we are going to… We suggest a rather simple and more stylish formula. Have something on you thats too compelling to resist! Let others make the first move while you bask in the glory of your sense of style.
Doing all the thinking for you awesome men while you were at work we came out with a list of 5 things that are sure to get you compliments and start a conversation.
#1 | A Good Watch
A watch serves as an accessory or piece of jewellery in hands of a suave gentleman. Whether it is a Smart watch, an Old-fashioned or one that spells luxury or maybe one with a unique dial… it is definitely going to get you the due attention.

#1 Conversation Starter
# 2 | A Fit Bod
The New Color Code for 2016
Its celebration time! Welcoming the ‘arrival of spring’ with the new bloom and bidding farewell to cold monochromatic days. Its time for the ‘festival of colours’ (Holi) here in India and there is no better time to talk ‘COLOR‘.
The colors for 2016, how to wear them and what to pair them with…I am going to unfold all this and more in this blog post.
Who decides what the color of the year is?
Rules for Men: ‘Below the Belt’ Guide to Corporate Dressing
Style for men in the corporate world has its own advantages. It makes you stand out, improves your recall and of course defines you. When you are being looked up as a role model by many peers never go wrong in pairing your accessories while dressing up for work.
What belt goes with what shoe? Which color socks should one wear with grey trousers? Which shoe to wear at work, Can I wear my Tan shoe with my black trousers? How do i tie my laces?… these everyday questions m sure haunt most of you men each morning. So to eliminate your confusion and to never let you leave home sabotaging your own image we have put together this five step process of ‘how to wear men accessories’ waist under especially for men like you who believe in style and want to never go wrong with the basics. (more…)